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ES: Polo Piri-Piri con 2 Guarniciones

EN: Grilled Peri-Peri Chicken with 2 Sides
Nuestro jugoso medio pollo a la brasa, marinado con especias jamaicanas PERi-PERi. Se sirve con hueso y con piel deliciosamente crujiente. Elige Inferno, Muy Picante, Picante Medio, Limón y Prejil, Lima y Mango, Ajo con Miel, Sweet Whiskey, Simple
Our signature juicy charcoal-grilled half chicken marinated with Jamaican PERi-PERi spices. Served bone-in with deliciously crispy skin. Choose between Hell, Very spicy, Medium Spicy, Lemon and Herbs, Lime and Mango, Garlic with Honey, Sweet Whiskey, Plain
Solo: 11,50
Con 2 Guarniciones/With 2 Sides: 16,50
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ES: Solomillo Chimichuri con 2 Guarniciones

EN: Filet mignon Chimichuri with 2 Sides
Solomillo de vacuno argentino, premium (200 gramos) cubierto con nuestra salsa chimichurri herbácea recién hecha. Servido en rodajas.
Premium Argentinian Tenderloin (200 grams) topped with our freshly made, herbaceous chimichurri sauce. Served sliced for your convenience.
Solo: 20,50
Con 2 Guarniciones/With 2 Sides: 25,50
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ES: Filete de Salmon con 2 Guarniciones

EN: Grilled Wild Salmon with 2 Sides
Filete de salmón salvaje del Océano Pacífico a la brasa, glaseado con salsa teriyaki, y una salsa de eneldo.
Charcoal-grilled, fresh wild Pacific Ocean salmon fillet, glazed with our teriyaki sauce, served with a creamy dill sauce.
Solo: 16,50
Con 2 Guarniciones/With 2 Sides: 21,50
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ES: Ojo de costilla (Rib-Eye)

EN: Argentiniean RibEye Steak
Lomo alto Argentino premium (250+ gramos) criado en las Pampas, con un sabor intenso a la brasa en Josper. Elija entre salsa de champiñones o salsa chimichurri.
250+ grams of Pampas-raised Argentinian Rib-Eye, intensely flavorful and grass-fed, with a seam of fat that keeps it moist while grilling in our Josper charcoal oven. Choose from mushroom sauce or chimichurri sauce.
Solo: 21,50
Con 2 Guarniciones/With 2 Sides: 26,50
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ES: Langostinos a la brasa

EN: Charcoal-grilled King Prawns
Jugosos langostinos grandes sin pelar a la brasa Josper, con un toque de limón y ajo.
Fresh, large unpeeled charcoal-grilled king prawns in our special Josper oven, with a touch of zesty lemon and garlic.
Solo: 16,50
Con 2 Guarniciones/With 2 Sides: 21,50
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Falafel Casero (Veg) / House-Made Falafel (Veg)
Falafel de garbanzos hecho en casa, sazonado y rociado con nuestro tahini verde con infusión de hierbas, elaborado diariamente.
House-made chickpea falafel, seasoned and drizzled with our herb-infused green tahini—made daily for the ultimate fresh and authentic experience.
Solo: 11,50
Con 2 Guarniciones/With 2 Sides: 16,50
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Bol de proteína Teriyaki / Teriyaki protein bowl
Elige entre pollo, vacuno, langostinos, o Tofu Vegano. Viene con una base de arroz basmati al vapor, cubierto con verduras a la brasa, nuestra salsa teriyaki y una mezcla de 7-semillas. Duplica la proteína por +2.50
Choose between chicken, beef, shrimps or Vegan TOFU. Each comes with a base of steamed Basmati rice, topped with Grilled Vegetables, our home-made teriyaki sauce and 7-seeds mix. Double the protein for +2.50
420 kcal

Todas las guarniciones están recién preparadas / All side dishes are freshly prepared

Regular 3,00 Grande/Big 6,00

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Ensalada Verde y Pan / Green Salad & Bread
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Calabacín a la Brasa / Grilled Zucchini
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Maiz a la Brasa / Grilled Corn
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Berenjena a la Brasa / Grilled Eggplant
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Aguacate a la Brasa / Grilled Avocado
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Espárragos a la Brasa / Grilled Asparagus
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Halloumi a la Brasa / Grilled Halloumi
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Champiñones a la Brasa / Grilled Button Mushrooms
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Piña a la Brasa / Grilled Pineapple
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Pimientos de Padrón / Grilled Spanish Peppers
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Pimiento italiano largo / GRILLED Long italian pepper

Todos los ingredientes de las ensaladas están recién preparados

All salads are made from fresh ingredients

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Pollo BBQ / Chicken BBQ
Pollo a la brasa, hojas mixtas, espinacas, rúcula, parmesano, maiz, piña a la brasa y salsa de Miel Mostaza
Grilled chicken breast, mixed greens, spinach, arugula, parmigiano, corn, grilled pineapple, and honey mustard
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The G.O.A.T / The G.O.A.T
Queso de cabra a la brasa, piña a la brasa, hojas mixtas, espinacas, rúcula, pasas, tomates cherry, arándanos, nueces caramelizadas, vinagre de manzana-jengibre ecológico y miel (Queso de Cabra Doble +2.00€)
Grilled goat cheese, grilled pineapple, mixed greens, spinach, raisins, cherry tomatoes, blueberries, caramelized nuts, organic apple-ginger vinegar and organic honey (Double Goat Cheese +2.00)
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Langostinos / Spicy Prawns
Langostinos a la brasa acompañados de piña caramelizada, hojas mixtas, espinacas y rúcula, con tomates cherry y aguacate fresco. Aderezada con nuestra salsa de sriracha y miel, con un toque de ajo
Grilled king prawns, jalapeno, grilled pineapple, mixed greens, spinach, arugula, cherry tomatoes, avocado, and sweet and spicy sriracha-honey mustard sauce
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Greek (V)
Queso feta griego, brotes tiernos, pimientos a la brasa, tomates cherry, pepinos, cebolla, espolvoreada con una mezcla de 7 semillas
Greek Feta cheese, mixed greens, roasted bell peppers, grilled cherry tomatoes, Greek Kalamata olives, cucumber, red onion, tossed with a blend of 7-seeds.
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César de Pollo / Caesar with Chicken
Pollo a la brasa, mezcla de hojas verdes con aderezo César cremoso de la casa, acompañada de crujientes croutones y queso parmesano
Juicy grilled chicken atop mixed greens tossed in creamy Caesar dressing, accompanied by crispy croutons and parmesan cheese.
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Solomillo Thai / Thai Beef
Solomillo de terneraa la brasa, mezcla de hojas, espinacas, rúcula, tomate cherry, aguacate fresco, queso manchego y nuestra salsa de chile tailandesa
Grilled filet mignon, mixed greens, spinach, arugula, cherry tomatoes, fresh avocado, Spanish manchego cheese, organic Thai chili sauce

Guarniciones Gourmet (V) / Gourmet Sides (V)

Regular 3,50 / Grande (Big) 6,00

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Papas Fritas / French Fries
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Patatas Mini / Grilled Mini Potatoes
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Batatas Fritas/ Fried Sweet Potatoes
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Batatas Horneadas / Grilled Sweet Potatoes
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Portobello a la Brasa / Grilled Portobello Mushrooms
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Puré de Patatas / Mashed Potato
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Alcachofa a la Brasa / Grilled Artichoke